« Preface to the Mindvessel Edition |Contents | 1.0 The Earth in Space and Time »
The text of the book The Outline of History is in the public domain in the United States. I am not a legal expert, but I understand that copyright terms are not the same everywhere, so check the law in your area. Many thanks to Holden McGroin (figures) and Norman Wolcott (text) who developed the e-text on which this site is based, and gave a clear public domain dedication for their work.
The design of this web site is based on The Literary Life (also here) by not (that) ugly, used by permission.
My contribution to the work includes dividing the text into logical web-sized units (i.e., pages) and embedding into the text cross-links and hyperlinks to external resources. I may also have corrected (or created) typographical errors or misprints, and added the occasional editorial remark. Any such modifications I have made to the text itself and published here, are dedicated to the public domain.
Since the site design is based on copyrighted work, I cannot release this entire site as a public domain work. Once my editing is complete, I do intend to release a file bundle (zip file or tar file) containing the complete public domain work separated from the copyrighted material. Check back for download links later.
Without nullifying my public domain dedication above, to the extent that I hold any copyright in the material on this site, you may license said material under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
« Preface to the Mindvessel Edition |Contents | 1.0 The Earth in Space and Time »